Last updated on August 21st, 2020 at 03:18 pm
Believe it or not, this is the question that Google is asking about your website. Could it be that Google really wants to provide its users with quality choices for every search request?
Here’s the hard truth about SEO. For every keyword phrase you want to gain high organic rank, you must be prepared to do two things:
- Create the kind of content for your website that will set you apart from the rest of the sites who are also targeting that keyword and make your site “authoritative” on these subjects.
- Re-organize the design and navigation of your site so that the major keyword themes stand out and shine to both web visitors and search engines.
Because of the enormous amount of competition for coveted search terms, you’re site will not have a chance to outrank competitors unless you are committed to doing these two things. The way you approach authoritative and organized content will make all the difference in your organic rankings.
The naïve (Elmer Fudd) approach to SEO
- Prepare content and web pages on our important search terms
- Put the keyword in the title, meta tags and all the other places on the page that make sense
- Use the search term in the website but keep those pages from the main navigation of the site because they do not promote the brand name concepts or exactly what we want to be known for
- Do lots and lots of link building
The informed (Bugs Bunny) approach to SEO
- What purpose does someone have for using this search term?
- How can we address the real intent of this person on our website?
- What type of medium communicates best with this individual: video, articles, music, pictures, interactive tools or a combination?
- How can we communicate with this individual so that they want to learn more and discover that we are a credible organization in the process?
- How can we organize the content of our site so that users and search engines can quickly find (within one click) what they are looking for even if it doesn’t match our brand name initiatives perfectly?
The informed approach knows that respect in a new medium is not earned over night and takes effort to learn the new rules. The Internet is one such medium. Would you begin an advertising campaign targeting the fans of the New York Giants before learning what motivates those fans to listen up and take action? Of course not, the same is true of the Internet community. Don’t be naïve; be informed.
You might be naïve like Elmer Fudd about SEO if you:
- Are willing to take, scrape or buy pre-developed content to use on your site
- Think SEO is simply making keyword changes to the website and building links
- Think your web visitors buy for the same reasons you would and set up selling processes on your site accordingly
- Are focused on pushing your brand name messages and industry buzz words
- Are fearful of collaborating with online competitors
You might be informed like Bugs Bunny about SEO if you:
- Are willing to create your own unique web content that addresses the intent of your online audience
- Think SEO is about engaging your online audience so that they deliver wanted responses and link back to your site from their site, blog, Facebook page, etc.
- Research your online customers to find out what motivates them to buy and then prepare pathways that fit their decision process
- Explore new ways of engaging and educating online prospects even if they are naïve about your industry or brand
- Are open to share, collaborate and build relationships online, even with competitors, to creatively engage your online audience
Don’t be naïve; be informed and take your Internet marketing and SEO to the next level.
Pictured above: Elmer Fudd, Bugs Bunny. © Warner Bros. Warner Bros./Photofest
9 replies to "Is Your Content Worthy Of A Top Ranking?"
I enjoyed your post and have bookmarked your site. ~ Jay
It seems like something is missing, no?
@Increase Website Traffic what seems to be missing?
You made some good points there. I did a search on the topic and found most people will agree with your blog.
Very good post.
I would just mention though that it is well worth researching your keywords before jumping in otherwise……………
1. You may end up targeting your content at keywords that are never being searched for.
2. You could be using keywords where the competition is so great that you will just be wasting your time.
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Great article! Cheers.
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